Records of Problems Encountered During the Installation and Initialization of Thingsboard 3.6.4

# Records of Problems Encountered During the Installation and Initialization of Thingsboard 3.6.4 记录thingsboard3.6.4在导入 IntelliJ IDEA 2022.2.3 编译报错的一些问题 记录 如何从thingsboard3.6.4弃坑到thingsboard3.6.3最后又回到了thingsbo
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Smart Air Conditioning Control With ThingsBoard

Automating Climate Control: Leveraging Dual Thermometers for Smart Air Conditioning via ThingsBoard 记录一次在thingsboard中通过同时满足两个温度计的温度条件来控制空调开关机 当然这并不是真实过程对接调式,只是通过模拟的方法来熟练一下thingsboard的ruleCh
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