记一次thingsboard gateway 调试总结


在使用 ThingsBoard 3.6.4 网关thingsboard gateway 3.5.1的过程中,我们需要配置和调试 MQTT 连接器,以便子设备能够正确处理来自网关的 RPC 请求。此次调试过程中,遇到了一些问题,包括 JSON 格式错误、消息未正确替换变量、以及消息处理超时等。 但凡遇到网关问题,官方文档少知又少。github issue 有人遇到同样的问题无人回复,本人折腾了2天终于让子设备通网了

我模拟网关的网络结构如下: 其中 Demo Device 1Demo Device 2 作为 thingsboard gateway 的子设备


1. JSON 格式错误

在配置 valueExpression 时,生成的 JSON 字符串格式不正确,导致子设备在解析时出错。具体表现为双引号重复或逗号缺失。

解决方法: 确保 valueExpression 格式正确,避免重复的双引号。最终的 valueExpression 如下:

"valueExpression": "{\"method\":${method}, \"params\":${params}, \"id\":${id}}"

2. 变量未正确替换

在最初的调试过程中,发现 methodNamerequestId 变量未能正确替换,导致子设备接收到的消息中包含未解析的变量字符串。 原因是因为变量名写错了

解决方法: 确保 mqtt-connector.json 中的变量能够正确替换。最终的配置如下:

  "serverSideRpc": [
      "deviceNameFilter": "Demo Device 1",
      "methodFilter": "setValue",
      "requestTopicExpression": "rpc/request/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/${method}/${id}",
      "responseTopicExpression": "rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/${method}/${id}",
      "responseTimeout": 10000,
      "valueExpression": "{\"method\":${method}, \"params\":${params}, \"id\":${id}}"

3. RPC 请求超时

网关日志显示 RPC 请求被取消或超时,导致未能正确处理子设备的响应。

解决方法: 在网关下的子设备上面 增加调试信息,确保子设备在处理消息时能够正确响应。更新后的 publisher.py 如下:

import random
import time
import json
from paho.mqtt import client as mqtt_client

broker = ''
port = 1884
topic = 'data/'
device_id = '84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5' 
rpc_request_topic = f'rpc/request/{device_id}/#'
client_id = f'publish-{random.randint(0, 1000)}'

def connect_mqtt():
    def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
        if rc == 0:
            print("Connected to MQTT Broker!")
            print(f"Subscribed to topic: {rpc_request_topic}")
            print(f"Failed to connect, return code {rc}")

    client = mqtt_client.Client(client_id)
    client.on_connect = on_connect
    client.on_message = on_message 
    client.connect(broker, port)
    return client

def on_message(client, userdata, msg):
    print(f"Received `{msg.payload.decode()}` from `{msg.topic}` topic")
        rpc_request = json.loads(msg.payload.decode())
        if isinstance(rpc_request, dict):
            handle_rpc_request(client, rpc_request)
            print(f"Received non-JSON message: {rpc_request}")
    except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
        print(f"Error processing message: {e}")

def handle_rpc_request(client, rpc_request):
    method = rpc_request.get('method')
    params = rpc_request.get('params')
    request_id = rpc_request.get('id')
    print(f"Handling RPC request: method={method}, params={params}, id={request_id}")

    if method == 'setValue':
        response = handle_set_value(params)
        response_topic = f'rpc/response/{device_id}/{method}/{request_id}'
        client.publish(response_topic, json.dumps(response))
        print(f"Published response to topic: {response_topic}, response: {response}")
        print(f"Unknown RPC method: {method}")

def handle_set_value(params):
    print(f"Handling setValue with params: {params}")
    return {"status": "success"}

def make_msg():
    return json.dumps({
        'frequency': random.randint(0, 100),
        'power': random.randint(0, 100),
        'temperature': random.randint(0, 100),
        'humidity': random.randint(0, 100)

def publish(client):
    while True:
        msg = make_msg()
        result = client.publish(topic, msg)
        status = result[0]
        if status == 0:
            print(f"Send `{msg}` to topic `{topic}`")
            print(f"Failed to send message to topic {topic}")


def run():
    client = connect_mqtt()

if __name__ == '__main__':


  1. 重新启动 ThingsBoard 网关,确保新的配置生效。
  2. 确保 MQTT Broker 正常运行
  3. 重新启动 publisher.py 脚本
  4. 发布 RPC 请求
    mosquitto_pub -h -p 1884 -t "rpc/request/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/req1" -m '{"method":"setValue","params":true,"id":"req1"}'
  5. 观察网关和子设备日志,确保请求和响应正确处理。

通过以上步骤,我们成功解决了 JSON 格式错误、变量未正确替换以及 RPC 请求超时等问题,确保了 ThingsBoard 网关和子设备能够正确通信。

thingsboard与gate&子设备最关键的部分,链接器配置json img.png 我的设备列表如下 img_1.png 分别配置了两个按钮给设备1和设备2发送消息 img_2.png

子设备收到消息 Received {"method":"setValue", "params":false, "id":299} from rpc/request/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/299 topic img_3.png

网关与子设备的关联关系 img_5.png


2024-07-04 13:13:20 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - _process_on_message - 732 - RPC response arrived. Forwarding it to thingsboard.
2024-07-04 13:13:20 - |INFO| - [tb_gateway_service.py] - tb_gateway_service - rpc_with_reply_processing - 1399 - Outgoing RPC. Device: Demo Device 1, ID: 291
2024-07-04 13:13:26 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/286
2024-07-04 13:13:28 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/287
2024-07-04 13:13:29 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/288
2024-07-04 13:13:29 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/289
2024-07-04 13:13:29 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/290
2024-07-04 13:13:30 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - rpc_cancel_processing - 938 - RPC canceled or terminated. Unsubscribing from rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/291
2024-07-04 13:13:47 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - server_side_rpc_handler - 895 - Incoming server-side RPC: {'device': 'Demo Device 1', 'data': {'id': 292, 'method': 'setValue', 'params': True}, 'id': <tb_gateway_mqtt.TBGatewayMqttClient object at 0x7f245a1c5690>}
2024-07-04 13:13:47 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - __process_rpc_request - 807 - Candidate RPC handler found
2024-07-04 13:13:47 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - __process_rpc_request - 826 - Subscribing to: rpc/response/84c0b49-3bea-4949-a6b6-d815f9fac3e5/setValue/292
2024-07-04 13:13:47 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - _on_subscribe - 485 - (<paho.mqtt.properties.Properties object at 0x7f2448fcda10>,)
2024-07-04 13:13:47 - |INFO| - [mqtt_connector.py] - mqtt_connector - _on_subscr

If you have any questions about ThingsBoard, please add my WeChat at any time. Welcome! My WeChat ID: 83975256