

  • lua-resty-redis-cluster模块的GitHub地址:https://github.com/iresty/lua-resty-redis-cluster

  • 这个模块可以用来连接redis集群。

  • 请将这个模块下载到任意的目录下。

  • 下载完成后,你只需要在包中找到rediscluster.luaredis_slot.c两个文件。


gcc SOURCE_FILES -fPIC -shared -o TARGET 
  • 使用上面的命令,你可以得到librestyredisslot.so文件。也可以生成redis_slot.so具体命令如下:

    gcc redis_slot.c -fPIC -shared -o librestyredisslot.so


  • 将编译得到的librestyredisslot.so文件复制到/data/webserver/openresty/lualib/目录下。

  • rediscluster.lua文件放到/data/webserver/openresty/lualib/目录下。

OpenResty, Lua, Lapis, and Redis Cluster Setup Guide

Download and Install the lua-resty-redis-cluster Module

  • The GitHub link for the lua-resty-redis-cluster module is here.

  • This module can be used to connect to a Redis cluster.

  • Please download the module into any directory of your choice.

  • After downloading, you will need the rediscluster.lua and redis_slot.c files from the package.

Note: The .c file can’t be directly imported into the Nginx configuration file, so it needs to be compiled into a .so file. The compilation command is:

gcc SOURCE_FILES -fPIC -shared -o TARGET 
  • Using the above command, you can obtain the librestyredisslot.so file. You can also generate redis_slot.so with the following specific command.

  • The specific command is as follows:

    gcc redis_slot.c -fPIC -shared -o librestyredisslot.so

File Placement

  • Copy the compiled librestyredisslot.so file into the /data/webserver/openresty/lualib/ directory.

  • Place the rediscluster.lua file into the /data/webserver/openresty/lualib/ directory.